Awards and Recognition

Awards and Recognition from the GFWC-SC Convention Awards
2017 Awards

GFWC International Award: Membership

This award is given to the club in GFWC with the best overall Membership report! What an honor to receive this prestigious award!  
GFWC-SC Club Creativity Awards
GFWC-SC Junior Category II Awards
First place
Communications & Public Relations
Second place
Public Issues
Women's History & Resource Center
Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention
GFWC-SC President's Special Project:

"What Color is Your Cancer?"
The Spirit of Longevity Award

                                                                     Silver Awards
                                                           Ann Borris Memorial Award
                                                              Janet B. Agnew Award 
                                                   Perry Anne Renwick Award (presented to JWC of Lake Murray &               Lake Murray-Irmo Woman's Club)

                                                                Overall Award
                                                     GFWC-SC 2017 Honor Club

Awards and Recognition from the GFWC-SC Convention Awards 
2016 Awards

Junior Category II Awards
First place
Women's History & Resource
Second place
Communications & Public Identity
Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention
GFWC-SC President's Special Project:
"What Color is Your Cancer?"
The Spirit of Longevity Award
Silver Awards
Ann Borris Memorial Award
Susan Abelkolp Membership Award
Overall Award
GFWC-SC 2016 Honor Club

2014 Creativity Awards
Communications and Public Relations
Advocates for Children
These reports will be judged at the annual GFWC convention in June and are eligible for an international award.

Junior Category I Awards
First place
Communications and Public Relations         
Advocates for Children         
Second place
Women’s History and Resources         
Home Life         

Silver Awards
2014 Junior Spirit Award
2014 Susan Abelkop Membership Award

Overall Awards         
GFWC-SC 2014 Net Gain Club         
GFWC-SC 2014 Honor Club 

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